Want to know how long you will live?
Published on June 23, 2005 By enigmagnetic In Misc
While surfing the net I came across this website that calculates your lifespan. You enter different aspects of your lifestyle and it will tell you what age you are likely to reach. While at first I was kind of hesitant to find out how long someone who lives my lifestyle will live, the results weren't that bad. Turns out with a lot of partying I'll actually reach 65. Well in any case here is the website enjoy! Link


on Jun 23, 2005
77. So I still have 60 years...Party!
on Jun 23, 2005
Wow that's optimistic. In my case I've already lived a 1/3 of my life.
on Jun 23, 2005
*sigh* It said I died five years ago.
on Jun 23, 2005
*sigh* It said I died five years ago

Damn, that really stinks. You must have a lot of stories to tell.